Medical Practice Marketing, LLC
Changing Referral Patterns
22 Years Experience
Helping Doctors be MORE Successful.
MD Marketing Coach
Let us help make your Physician Liaison
The Best They Can Be.
What We Do
We personally meet with referral sources, we educate them, we develop new relationships and strengthen existing ones.
We will reach out to primary care physicians, referring specialists, human resource managers, case managers, lawyers, nursing homes, assisted living facilities or anyone else who has the power to direct patients to you.
We listen to them, we address their concerns and satisfy any specific needs they may have.
This is how you build long-term relationships and change referral patterns.
Nothing is more effective than personal attention.
Let us help you avoid making the common mistakes, many physicians make when deciding to market their practice.
"Many times it is the staff in the physician's office who is responsible for directing where patients are referred. It could be the office manager or a dedicated referral person who has the influence as to which specialist a patient should see."